
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Facebook Mail Art

I don't change my Facebook status to any type of chain status. You know the ones. I've always felt that they're pretty lame and if there is a particular cause I'm passionate about, I'd rather donate my time and money rather copy and paste some words into a box on my computer.

That little rant to say that I went against my word one day when there was a little message about a creative exchange. People who posted a comment would receive something handmade in the mail and were asked to post the same request in their status. I'm a sucker for lovely things in the mail so gave it a go. Shortly after we moved here a dear friend kept her promise and sent some yummy treats in the post. A few days later I got to work on a little piece of art for her.

When I was working on my Sketchbook Project I had a large section devoted to illustrations from my friends statuses. One night she posted that she would have to put her twin boys (her little peanuts) to bed by herself. I instantly imagined a happy jar of jam watching over her sleeping peanuts. Take a peek at the original, if you like. I painted something along the same lines with watercolour and went over it with ink. I wrote her a little note and sent it back. A wall post told me that she had received it and loved it.

I'm going to remain stubborn about the rules surrounding my status, but if an opportunity arises to exchange something handmade again, I'll be all over it.



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